Find Us
Tasting Room Open Daily 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
448 Bell Street (off HWY 101), Los Alamos, CA 93440
Tasting Room Directions: Click Here
From the North: San Francisco: about 280 miles; San Luis Obispo: about 60 miles. Take HWY 101 to Los Alamos exit. Turn left ant stop sign unto HWY 135/Bell Street. We are about 2 miles on right.
From the South: Los Angeles: about 100-150 miles; Santa Barbara: about 50 miles. From HWY 101 take Los Alamos exit. Proceed under freeway bridge to stop sign. Turn right onto HWY 135/Bell Street. We are about a mile on the left.
Phone: 805-344-2107